MODULE 1: The fundamentals of High Performing Shoulders
Tim will present the current evidence around injury rates and look at the demands the modern strength and conditioning environment and coaching practices place on the shoulder.
You'll also understand the philosophy and principles behind Dynamic Shoulders.​
Case study - The CrossFit Open Workout 21.1
MODULE 2: The Kinematics of High Performing Shoulders
You'll learn about how the static and dynamic stabilisation systems work together to facilitate such large range of motion at the shoulder.
You'll also understand why the dynamic stabilisers are so important in laying the foundations for the expression of strength, speed and power through the upper limb.​
Functional Anatomy - Static stability and the musculature affecting scapulothoracic motion.
MODULE 3: The Kinetics of High Performing Shoulders
You'll learn the principles of the two primary force couples, enabling you to simplify the complexity of the shoulder and create targeted training interventions that improve performance.
We'll look at the issues and potential contributors to sub-optimal movement of the shoulder.
Functional Anatomy - Force couples and the consequences of sub-optimal movement.
MODULE 4: Screening, Assessing + Analysing High Performing Shoulders
This will be a blended practical and theory session designed to give coaches the tools to conduct movement assessments for the shoulder and improve their ability to identity sub-optimal patterns.
Tim will also share eight sub-optimal movement archetypes that are commonly seen in shoulder movement assessments and provide an overview of the training strategies that might be required to correct them.
Case Study Analysis - real world shoulder screening examples.
MODULE 5: The Kinetic Chain + High Performing Shoulders
You'll gain a greater understanding of the kinetic chain principles including the fascial system and breathing mechanics.
Tim will also discuss motor behaviour and why you need to create a training environment for the shoulder that challenges movement options and appropriate loads.​​
MODULE 6: Principles for application: Dynamics
You'll coaches will learn why the integration of range of motion, neuromuscular control and kinetic chain integration is so important in creating strong, stable foundations.
MODULE 7: Principles for application: Conditioning
To build on the foundations created through the Dynamics phase, you need to apply progressive overload in a way that scales stability, strength, speed and power. In this module, we'll look at principles for application, scaling dynamic stability and the rate of force development.​​
MODULE 8: Strategic Programming
You'll understand the principles of programme development and exercise selection, as well as how to use the Dynamic Shoulder Conditioning Framework.
Learn all you need to know about the functional anatomy of the shoulder to apply in your coaching practice.
Get the tools you need and develop your coaching eye so you can effectively assess the shoulder.
Simplify the complexity of the shoulder and create targeted training interventions that improve performance.